I have been working on the Betty & Cat project for ten years, doing most of the production, sales and distribution work myself. It has given me great satisfaction and helped thousands of young multilingual readers. The project has reached a point where it makes sense to involve a more traditional publisher to produce and distribute the books. I am actively seeking a publisher, or literary agent who can help me find the right publisher(s) to take Betty & Cat to the next level.
With minimal resources and next to no marketing or advertising efforts, I have sold over 2,000 units.
The Betty & Cat books are a proven concept that addresses an identified market that is looking for this type of book. With minimal resources and next to no marketing or advertising efforts, I have sold over 2,000 units. Buyers typically find me because they are actively searching for something like this and not finding it elsewhere. There are few books like mine on the market, in spite of demonstrated strong demand.
We have just scratched the surface with what is possible so far. Additional language pairs and stories can be added with very little effort to create a larger series of books in the Betty & Cat universe. A digital application could allow readers to choose their own language pair out of a long list to download to their devices. The characters are cute and engaging so merchandising opportunities abound. This proven concept could easily expand to other media.
I own complete copyrights and publishing rights to all of the text, translations and illustrations. No publishing or distribution deals are currently in place. There are no legal or contractual limitations to any potential agreement.
How Can You Help?
Ideally, you are a literary agent specializing in children’s books with an affinity for multilingual and cross-cultural works. You would identify and negotiate the best publishing deals that are right for Betty & Cat.
Alternatively, you represent a publisher who sees the potential and wants to take Betty & Cat to the next level.
Either way, I would be happy to talk with you. Please contact Hennie Jacobs at hennie@bettyandcat.com or phone/text/WhatsApp at +33 6 4195 7067 .